#TBT Why Do I Have a Wiffle Ball In a Display Case?

For Throw Back Thursday I thought I'd snap a picture of a couple things I have on my desk. I couple things I look to when I need to pause and smile.

The ball on the right is 43 years old, and the one of the left is 19.

When I was only 8 years old, my family and I got in a pretty bad car wreck. We were hit by a drunk driver. My mom was in a coma for weeks, and I broke every major bone on the right side of my body. I missed a lot of the third grade that year, trapped at home recovering with relatives watching me as my mom slowly regained strength at the hospital. That baseball was signed by my little league teammates who finished out the season without me.

The ball on the left is the Wiffle Ball we used the day after my wedding in Lafayette, Indiana. I grew up playing Wiffle Ball with my brother and cousins, and since my wedding was a big family reunion anyway, we reignited the old Wiffle skills. I can still feel the warm Indiana sun as we played next to a farm with cow's mooing in the distance.

The ball on the right represents love and healing, and the one of the left represents love and celebration.

That's why they make me smile.

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