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National Weather Service Bismarck ND
Thu Mar 27 2025
Including the cities of Drake, Rugby, Sherwood, Parshall, Powers
Lake, Glenburn, Velva, Shell Valley, Bowbells, Bottineau, Crosby,
Towner, Rolette, Portal, Minot, Columbus, Dunseith, Stanley,
Mohall, Rolla, St. John, Williston, Lignite, and New Town
* WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total ice accumulations up to
a few hundredths of an inch and snow accumulations up to one inch.
* WHERE...Northwest and north central North Dakota.
* WHEN...From 1 AM to 4 PM CDT Friday.
* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous
conditions could impact the Friday morning commute.
Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road
conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1.
All travelers are encouraged to monitor road conditions as weather conditions occur. For road information, call 511 from any type of phone or go to the Travel Information Map at Motorists should check surrounding states for their current road condition information.
The NDDOT works hard to keep travelers informed of road conditions. However, the road conditions are not reported 24 hours a day but updated every day from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Central Time, including holidays. It’s important to remember that the conditions may vary from what is being reported.
Road Condition Terminology
The following terms will be used to relate to winter road conditions, to maintain consistency, and keep the traveling public well informed. The NDDOT will utilize these terms to inform the public about road conditions that warrant increased awareness.
Motorists can still travel but may encounter areas of challenging winter weather driving conditions on roadways. Motorists should allow extra time to reach their destination and be alert to conditions that may make travel difficult, change rapidly, or cause travel delays. A TRAVEL ALERT has the potential to change to a NO TRAVEL ADVISED if conditions deteriorate.
Motorists should not travel due to hazardous conditions which may make it unsafe to travel. Snow plows may be pulled from the roads during severe conditions. Motorists should take NO TRAVEL ADVISED seriously as those motorists who choose to travel at their own risk may become stranded and emergency responders may not be able to reach them safely. A NO TRAVEL ADVISED has the potential to change to a ROAD CLOSED OR BLOCKED if conditions deteriorate.
Motorists are not allowed to travel on a closed road due to life threatening conditions. The road may be impassible or blocked. Motorists who drive past a road closure device may be fined up to $250.
All travelers are encouraged to monitor road conditions as weather conditions occur. For road information, call 511 from any type of phone or go to the Travel Information Map at Motorists should check surrounding states for their current road condition information.
The NDDOT works hard to keep travelers informed of road conditions. However, the road conditions are not reported 24 hours a day but updated every day from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Central Time, including holidays. It’s important to remember that the conditions may vary from what is being reported.
Be Prepared for an Outage
Before you encounter another power outage, make sure you are ready to handle the challenges that come with a loss of electricity:
- Yes, of course you have a flashlight. But do you know where it is? Could you find it in the dark? Do you have extra batteries? Or a rechargeable (and fully charged) flashlight?
- The dark can be scary for young children. Prepare them by playing a "lights-out" game to find the flashlight.
- Keep candles and matches on hand. Remember, candles are romantic, but potentially dangerous. Have solid, stable holders for them, and be especially careful if there are children or pets around. Have a fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it.
Assemble a Kit in Advance
An emergency power outage kit will go a long way toward providing you with the tools you need during a power outage:
- This is an excellent place to store a spare flashlight or two so you always know where to find them.
- Get a battery-operated radio, preferably one with alternative energy sources such as a solar panel, hand-crank generator, or both.
- Stock plenty of batteries for these and all battery-operated devices you plan to use during a power outage.
- Gather bottled drinking water and non-perishable, ready-to-eat food to last a few days.
Investigate Why the Power is Out
If the lights go off, the first thing to do is determine whether it is really a power outage or a problem with your own breaker. Reach for your flashlight and check your main electric panel. If you have tripped a breaker, one or more of the switches may be turned off. Simply turn it back on and power should be restored.
If it is not a fuse or breaker, check to see whether that power is out for your neighbors, too. Power can be lost in a very localized area. For instance, houses that are served by the same pole-mounted power transformer will be dark, while houses next door are fully lit.
If it is an outage, call your utility company and report it. Sometimes it can be hard to get through because other customers are also reporting interruptions. Please be patient. It is likely they already know about the problem and are working to fix it.
Stay in Communication During an Outage
Cordless phones or extension phones that require connection to an electric outlet will not work during power outages. Models that only need to be plugged into the phone jack will work. Cell phones will be a lifeline as long as their batteries don't run down, and the antennas don't get damaged in the storm.
A battery radio lets you keep up with the news from the outside world. Make sure you have extra batteries. You could also use your car radio in an emergency, but remember the dangers of running a vehicle in an enclosed garage.
Turn Off Your Appliances
There are several good reasons to turn off any appliances you were using when the power went out:
- When power returns, there will be a surge of electrical energy that could damage sensitive equipment like computers, laptops, or televisions.
- It is easy to forget during an outage that you had a stove burner or an iron on. If you're away from home when electric service is restored, you can have a serious safety hazard.
- Restarting appliances can use almost double the amount of electricity that they use when running normally. Think of the way lights dim briefly when the A/C fan comes on. Then imagine the power demands placed on the electric system when every customer needs more power than usual - all at the same time. When the main switches are re-energized, this demand can cause breakers to trip. It helps if you don't have all your appliances waiting to draw power the instant it is restored.
There are two options for turning off your appliances, both with advantages and disadvantages:
- The first option is to unplug devices one by one, leaving one light on to let you know electricity has been restored. However, it is easy to miss an appliance, and awkward to get around in the dark.
- The second option is to turn off your main circuit breaker. This ensures that you will not overlook anything. It does mean you will have to keep an eye on streetlights outside to let you know that power has been restored.
Stay as Comfortable as Possible
If the outage is likely to be prolonged, prepare to stay comfortable:
- Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
- Keep an eye on your family members and call 9-1-1 in case of a medical emergency.
- Migrate your family to a room that can retain a comfortable temperature. Consider spending time out of your home if possible.
- Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
Keep Your Family Members Safe
Indoor temperatures can soar during prolonged summertime power outages. This can be uncomfortable for anyone, but it can be dangerous for infants, toddlers, the elderly, and those with certain medical conditions. Families with at-risk members should know of multiple climate controlled safe spaces where they can wait for power restoration. While it may be tempting, do not create a fire hazard by running extension cords to the home of a neighbor who still has power, whether for air conditioning or other electric needs.
Practice Generator Safety
They can be useful during a power outage if you have the correct one for your home and if it is safely connected. If you choose to use a backup generator for your home, call a licensed electrician to help you properly connect it. Never operate a generator inside your home, garage or basement. If you choose a portable generator, don't connect it to your home electrical system, but instead, connect it directly to the devices and appliances you want to power or charge.
Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat and your body temperature falls below 95 F (35 C). Left untreated, it can be life-threatening.
Hypothermia is often caused by exposure to cold weather or immersion in a cold body of water. It can also be caused by ongoing exposure to indoor temperatures below 50 F (10 C). You could be at increased risk if you're also exhausted or dehydrated.
Signs and symptoms of hypothermia usually develop slowly and may include:
- Shivering, though this may stop as body temperature drops
- Slurred speech or mumbling
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Weak pulse
- Clumsiness or lack of coordination
- Drowsiness or very low energy
- Confusion or memory loss
- Loss of consciousness
- Bright red, cold skin (in infants)
Seek emergency medical care
If you suspect someone has hypothermia,call 911 or your local emergency number.Then immediately take these steps:
- Gently move the person out of the cold. If going indoors isn't possible, protect the person from the wind, especially around the neck and head. Insulate the individual from the cold ground.
- Gently remove wet clothing. Replace wet things with warm, dry coats or blankets.
- If further warming is needed, do so gradually. For example, apply warm, dry compresses to the center of the body — neck, chest and groin. The CDC says another option is using an electric blanket, if available. If you use hot water bottles or a chemical hot pack, first wrap it in a towel before applying.
- Offer the person warm, sweet, nonalcoholic drinks.
- Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of life, such as breathing, coughing or movement.
- Do not rewarm the person too quickly, such as with a heating lamp or hot bath.
- Don't attempt to warm the arms and legs. Heating or massaging the limbs of someone in this condition can stress the heart and lungs.
- Don't give the person alcohol or cigarettes. Alcohol hinders the rewarming process, and tobacco products interfere with circulation that is needed for rewarming.