Tuesday is national waitress and waiter day across the country.
I really believe that you can tell a lot about the kindness of a person by the way they treat the waitstaff. If they're arrogant or dismissive, to me that means they think of themselves above people, and they're not to be trusted...
If a customer smiles and makes eye contact, then they are that way to everyone, and to me, can be trusted.
But, either way, if you're a waiter or a waitress, a study found simple drawing a smiley face on the check brings in more of a tip. And, sorry guys, it usually only works for women.
I'm such a sucker because I've fallen for it. I love when I get a smiley face -- and I leave more of tip.
That's okay -- if they work hard they deserve it! So put away your dumb calculator and leave them a nice tip, especially today!