Minot Area Community Calendar

Minot Area Community Calendar

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The Sundre Sand & Gravel Community Corner

Does your nonprofit have a upcoming event? Email it now to MinotAreaPSA@iHeartMedia.com.

Thursday, February 13th is Giving Heart's Day. Since 2008, Giving Hearts Day donors have raised millions of dollars for much needed non-profits all over North Dakota, to donate online anytime from now until February 13th visit MinotMHD.com


The Minot FFA Alumni is proud to announce that they are having a Red: Taylor Swift tribute concert on February 15, 2025! Grab your tickets @EventBrite - This is a all ages event that will be held at the North Dakota State Fair! Showtime is 8:00pm


Garrison Fire Department's Annual Fundraiser, Buffalo Feed & Dance will be Saturday, February 15th at the Garrison Auditorium, Food serving is from 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. Dance to follow at 8:30 p.m. with music provided by The Thicklets. $20 tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance at the firefighters museum.


BOY SCOUT TROOP 425 & OLD GOAT PATROL is hosting their 5th Annual “CURB-SIDE-CHILI” PICKUP MEAL ( Bowl of Chili, Bag of Shredded Cheese, Bag of Saltines, Cookie, Bottle of Water

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2025 PICK UP: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Congregational United Church of Christ

( 430 North Broadway - North of Sammy’s Pizza on Broadway, Minot ) ( Use EAST Side Drop Off Lane to Safely Pick Up your Order ) $ 5.00 per Ticket per Meal ( You can Purchase Tickets from Troop members -or- at the Door ) Proceeds to help Troop 425 with Summer Camperships for the Scouts !


Saturday, February 22nd 9am to 2pm there will be a rummage and bake sale at Vincent United Methodist Church in Minot. Carmel rolls at 9am with a soup/sandwich lunch, bag bargains at 1pm . Vincent United Methodist Church is located at 1024 2nd street southeast Minot.


The Roosevelt Park Zoo is looing for 24 dedicated teens ages 13+ to join their 2025 ZooTeen Volunteer Program. - be apart of zoo summer camp, get hands on experience, assist with special events and engage with guests. The program runs from May to August. - application deadline is May 2nd. Learn more and apply @RooseveltParkZoo.com


The Minot Optimist Club is hosting the 10th annual Daddy Daughter Dance! Join in a fun evening of dinner, dancing, and even ice cream! February 22nd 5pm, inside the Sleep Inn in Minot.

Not limited to Dads and Daughters - All are welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Please contact us at minotoptimist@gmail.com no later than one week before the event with dietary restrictions. Tickets available at eventbrite.com


There will be a free will offering breakfast to support the Minot Men's Winter Refuge Sunday, February 23rd 8:30am to 12:30pm inside the St. Leo Church Basement in Minot. The menu will include Biscuits and Gravy, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, juice and coffee.


Join Jerrica Maxson, for a free presentation on hearing aids as part of the Good to Know series on Tuesday, February 25th at 10:30 a.m. at the Parker Senior Center. Jerrica, a Doctor of Audiology with expertise in pediatric audiology, cochlear implants, and hearing aid management, will share valuable insights into the latest hearing aid technology and its benefits.


The Mouse River Players are proud to present "Scriptless In Seattle" the nationally-touring unscripted musical comedy show, for two evenings only.

You can enjoy a delightful opportunity to escape the winter blues and enjoy some much-needed comedic relief. Saturday, February 22nd @7pm. Tickets available @MouseRiverPlayers.com


 The NDSU Extension agency invites you to their February Parent Café- Managing Challenging Behaviors with Love, on Wednesday, February 26th, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. CT. We will discuss helping young children learn to accept rules and limits by responding to their feelings with empathy and support; setting age-appropriate limits; and teaching alternative (acceptable) behaviors. Call 701-857-6450 for more info or you can register at:    https://tinyurl.com/yf4t2jma



Souris Valley Animal Shelter believes every homeless pet deserves a furever home. An essential part of making that happen is foster families.  Fosters provide a loving temporary home for homeless pets. The S-V-A -S provides the homeless pet and all the supplies needed while in foster care Apply to foster today at www.svaspets.com/foster


The Minot Area Homeless Coalition kicks off their month long "Have A Heart Food Drive" in support of area food pantries. Non-perishable food, personal hygiene, paper products, cleaning supplies and baby items can all be dropped off at the KMOT business office through the month of February.


The Minot VFW Auxiliary Post 753 will be hosting a Spring Vendor Show, Saturday March 8th from 9am to 4pm, inside the Sleep Inn & Suites Conference Center in Minot.


Sunday, March 9th is a free movie night at Oak Park Theatre in Minot. "From The Heartland" will be showing, starting at 7pm. This movies is free to the public as well as free popcorn and pop, sponsored by CommonGround North Dakota.


 North Dakota Dollars for Scholars is accepting scholarship applications from North Dakota high school seniors and current college students starting January 1, 2025. Approximately $278,000 in scholarships will be awarded, ranging from $600 to $2,500 each for the 2025-26 academic year. Every student who graduated from or will graduate this year from a North Dakota high school or home education program can apply, even if their high school doesn’t have a local chapter.

Students from a wide range of backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Scholarship offerings cover a variety of categories including vocational and technical schools, military family, community service and continuing college students. Schools with local chapters also offer scholarships for their specific schools.

The application deadline for all North Dakota Dollars for Scholars scholarships is April 1, 2024. Scholarship details and the online application are available at northdakota.dollarsforscholars.org.


Magic City Youth Baseball will be hosting their annual pancake breakfast, Sunday April 13th from 8am to 1pm inside the Minot Moose Lodge. Cost is $5 per person. - 2025 fan gear will also be available for purchase.


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