The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and current events with intelligence and humor.Full Bio


Rep. Jordan Does a Deep Dive on Durham and More

CLAY: We are joined now by Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio. Congressman, we’re gonna be down in Mar-a-Lago one week from today, and I bet we’re gonna be talking with Donald Trump some about these revelations that are coming out in the Durham probe. You’ve been on top of this for a long time, Congressman, and for everybody out there who has said Russia collusion is a lie, calling Adam Schiff on all of his BS. What was your reaction to the news that came out on Friday? And thanks for making time for us, by the way.

REP. JORDAN: Yeah, good to be with you. No, it just confirmed what we all knew, that they were, in fact, spying on President Trump. Looks like now they were doing — when Durham’s filing mentions the executive office of the president, that’s the new thing. Like, holy cow. Now, did that happen during the transition, and they were spying, or did it happen when he was president? It sure seems like it most likely took place while in fact he was president of the United States.

We’ll have to see. But I think when you view it all in context… In fact, Byron York’s got a great piece out on this. You view it in context, remember what they did. They first manufactured the dossier. They used the dossier as a basis to go to the FISA court to get a warrant to spy on his campaign, namely Carter Page. They lied to the court through this Clinesmith guy who’s been indicted. They lied to the court about information to get that warrant to spy on his campaign.

Byron York put out something I’d forgotten. They used this lady with the alias Azra Turk as a spy to send over to bump into Papadopoulos. It’s straight out of a spy movie, straight out of James Bond, they used the girl to go talk to Papadopoulos. And then now we find out, oh, they were monitoring internet traffic, and all trying to create…

All trying to create, in the words of Durham, “an inference and a narrative.” Now, you know what we call that? We call that trying to frame somebody. And that is what is most serious of all, trying to frame the president elected to be the commander-in-chief of our country, that is what is most troubling about all this.

BUCK: Congressman Jordan, it’s, Buck. Thanks for being with us as always.

REP. JORDAN: You bet.

BUCK: The Durham probe continues on here. Do we have any sense of next steps, expectations for what’s coming and ultimately — this is something that came up when I was talking to Clay earlier in the show — I don’t believe that our system as it stands right now would bring charges against Hillary or any of the named, known people involved in Russia collusion no matter what is found.


BUCK: What do you think the next steps are going to be like here in the Durham probe? I know you’re not a part of it, but from what you could see from the outside? And do you think that effectively Hillary Clinton would get a pass no matter what it actually finds with regard to whether she acted in some capacity as part of a criminal conspiracy because the Democrat Party just couldn’t handle it.

REP. JORDAN: Yeah, I don’t know. That’s the short answer. Obviously, Durham is being deliberate. He’s being, I think, very thorough and going through this step by step. I do find it hard to believe… If you go back to the Sussmann indictment a few months back, I do find it hard to believe that Sussmann hands the information, the thumb drive to the chief counsel at the FBI Jim Baker. So he hands it to him but somehow Baker didn’t know? Baker didn’t know?

So they have a relationship such that Sussmann can walk into the chief counsel at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and hand him information but somehow the chief counsel at the FBI doesn’t know that Sussmann is working for the Clinton campaign at the Perkins Coie law firm? I find that hard to believe. Now, we’ll see. Is Jim Baker involved in this? I don’t know, but I find it (audio drops) know something. Just like I find it (audio drops) know the dossier was BS.

But he used it, because I think Jim Comey wanted to go after President Trump. This is how the Democrats operate. They get information that they know is not true like the DOJ. DOJ went out and — the Biden administration went out and — solicited the letter from the school boards association just so they would have the pretext to do what they wanted to do which was namely go after moms and dads. The same model applied here with what the FBI did. So we’ll see where it all shakes out, and we didn’t have any idea until this filing just how serious this whole spying operation was. But we’re gonna have to just wait and let Durham complete his investigation.

CLAY: Jim, how important — and I think this is sliding a little under the radar — is it that AG Barr on his way out gave independent counsel status to Durham to allow him without, in theory, political pressure being exerted upon him, the authority to pursue this investigation wherever it led? I think it kind of got buried in all the craziness that was going on as the administrations flipped over. But that looks like one of the most significant acts that Barr may have undertaken as attorney general.

REP. JORDAN: Yeah. No. Great point, Clay, and I agree. Remember what Bill Barr said in 2019 when he said, “Spying took place; there’s a basis for my concern about that spying,” and the Democrats all went crazy. Well, because he knew that. He saw this Azra Turk situation. He saw what was happening out there. I think that’s why he did this and said, “Durham’s got more work to do.”

We know there’s stuff that went on there. You heard John Ratcliffe over the last couple days saying he declassified information and gave it to Durham — and, frankly, when I talked with John, he said, “This doesn’t surprise me,” and John thinks there’s more coming. He’s not allowed to talk about it, but it was critical that Barr did what he did. And we’re going to have to let Mr. Durham complete his investigation ’cause the most important thing in the end…

I mean, you want people that did wrong, you want them held accountable. I hear that every day from constituents in our district in Ohio and all across the country. But the most important thing is the American people get the full story, that the American people get the truth and know exactly what was going on and just, frankly, how bad it is with these unelected people doing things to the person we elected, the person who put their name on the ballot and ran for the job and is supposed to make decisions. It’s important we get the truth so that we don’t have this baloney going on in the future.

BUCK: We’re speaking to Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio. Congressman, the Canadian trucker protest still going strong. We have Justin Trudeau up to our north declaring what is effectively a form of martial law. They call it the Emergencies Act. And now there’s the possibility of civil disobedience against vaccine mandates that did not stop the spread — and as we’re entering the post-respiratory virus season, it would feel like normalcy isn’t that much of a big request. That’s what the truckers are asking for.


BUCK: What do you think the reaction is, and do you think there will be political ramifications in this country if the Canadian government decides that they’re going to break this protest with force?

REP. JORDAN: I think the American people have had it with the so-called experts running our lives, starting with Fauci. Like I said, who ever put his name on the ballot? Not supposed to make the decision, is running America. And so much — and influencing, frankly, the world. So I think people have had it. You saw it start with the moms and dads in Virginia and led to Glenn Youngkin.

You saw it with 12 jurors in Wisconsin say, “We’ve had it with this. We’re gonna follow due process and the truth in Kenosha, Wisconsin,” in that jury verdict. And you’re seeing it now with truckers in Canada. People have had it with the elites telling us what to do and then the rules they tell us we have to follow, they never do, and the idea — the other thing I think from this is, can you imagine…?

Remember what the press said when President Trump simply walked across to St. John church and said, “We need to protect the church from being burnt down and have some order here”? The press went crazy! But now they’re applauding Justin Trudeau going after, using — imposing — the emergency act in Canada that’s only been done I think one other time in the history of the statute. This is how crazy the left is at covering for the liberal politicians who, again, imposed the rules on the citizens but never seem to follow them themselves.

CLAY: Jim, I know you watched the Super Bowl, at least part of it, the Bengals obviously in your home state there playing.


CLAY: And, by the way, Joe Burrow, also a native Ohioan, a heck of a run he’s had.


CLAY: All of the elites, you know, the celebrities, everybody who could afford the $5,000 tickets to the Super Bowl, none of them are wearing masks, right?

REP. JORDAN: I know. I know.

CLAY: They’re flagrantly violating the existing rules. So I’m gonna build on this, give you a chance to tee off there. But Washington, D.C., now is doing away with its vaccine mandate and with its mask mandate.


CLAY: I saw the White House say they’re not going to follow Washington, D.C.’s rules.

REP. JORDAN: (laughing)

CLAY: Have you guys gotten a report yet from Nancy Pelosi about what she’s going to do in terms of the Capitol when it comes to masks, and what do you expect there?

REP. JORDAN: No, she’ll keep the rule. Look, I assume she’s gonna keep the rule. We all know it’s all show. It’s all just for politics — and, frankly, most of us Republicans, the only time we wear it — the one place — is when you can be fined, which is on the House floor. The rest of the time it’s like, this is ridiculous. But they’ve yet to go back to hearing. This is the other thing, Buck: So think about the Democrats have closed the Capitol, allowed proxy voting. They have kicked Republicans off committees.

They won’t let Republicans serve on the select committee. They’re trying to end the filibuster, trying to end the Electoral College, trying to pack the court, trying to let noncitizens vote. But somehow, Donald Trump and Republicans are a threat to democracy — and we learn over the weekend, “Oh, by the way, they were also spying on President Trump out of the executive office of the president.”

And they accused us of being a threat to democracy and their big thing is, “Oh, we’re gonna wear masks here.” None of this stuff makes sense, the things they say and do. And that’s why I think the American people have so had it — and I’m hoping, I am hoping there is a big change coming this November in the midterm elections.

BUCK: Jim, I want to ask you this — Congressman Jordan, pardon me, although we do —

REP. JORDAN: No problem.

BUCK: — appreciate you; it feels like you’re “Jim” to us. We appreciate you. But, Congressman Jordan, this fall in the House, what does victory look like — real victory — for Republicans? What I mean by that is what will you be satisfied with as a number in the majority, how many seats switching?

REP. JORDAN: Well, I’ll be honest with you: I’ll just be satisfied with a majority, ’cause right now what they’re doing with redistricting, they’re trying to do it to Ohio right now. What Marc Elias — the same guy who was at least involved in this spying operation as chief counsel for the Clinton campaign — is doing around the country, the suits they are bringing, things that are happening, left-wing state supreme courts and everything else? What they’re doing on redistricting is gonna make it tougher.

I still think we can win. We gotta fight these things in court, these redistricting efforts ’cause it’s only gerrymandering if Republicans draw the district. If Democrats draw the districts like they did Manhattan and the whole state of New York, then somehow that’s just fine. That’s not gerrymandering when Democrats are in charge and they draw these ridiculous-looking things. So that’s gonna make the job tougher. I’ll be satisfied with the majority even if it’s just one vote. I’m hoping it’s gonna be much bigger.

CLAY: What…? For people out there who don’t know the difference, right? I feel as if people here say, “Hey, it makes a difference whether you’re in control of the House or the Senate,” but I think there are a lot of people out there that don’t really understand what that means in terms of its practical impact.


CLAY: So for people out there right now, how much of a difference would you have in being able to hold the powerful accountable if right now the Republicans were in charge of the House instead of Democrats, what would it mean for you?

REP. JORDAN: Clay, it makes all the difference. The House is a majoritarian institution. The majority runs everything. We get subpoena power we have fewer members on committee. We can’t call people in for depositions or transcribe interviews, we can’t do squat. You gotta have the voters. It’s just wait the House works. Now, the Senate is different ’cause the filibuster rule in the Senate (audio drops).

BUCK: Oh, no.

REP. JORDAN: We can’t get Dr. Fauci. We’ve been wanting Dr. Fauci back in front of the committee… (audio drops)

BUCK: I think Fauci’s hacking the phone lines.

CLAY: Fauci might have gotten to him.

BUCK: He’s had enough of Congressman Jordan.

CLAY: It might be Hillary’s people. Who knows how much power they’ve got. They knew that he was about to go off on Fauci and maybe Hillary, too, and boom! Cell phone’s out.

BUCK: Sorry, Congressman, go ahead.

CLAY: Yeah.

REP. JORDAN: No. I’m sorry I lost you there, but (audio drops) they have all the power. And it’s just the way the majority works. And I would love to bring Dr. Fauci back in, but we just can’t, and the Democrats won’t do it. So makes all the difference.

BUCK: Congressman, if you get a chance with the doctor, not only point out all the lies, inconsistencies, and politicization, but maybe he could do the biggest radio show in the country at some point if he could fit it into his schedule.

REP. JORDAN: Yes! I’d love to.

BUCK: Just throw that his way, okay?

CLAY: (laughing) He told us he was too busy to come on, Congressman. I’m sure you’ll love that. He’s doing documentaries and he’s doing random podcasts; he can’t imagine on the biggest radio show in the country. But the offer’s still out there if he can find the time.

BUCK: Congressman Jordan, thanks as always. We really appreciate you joining us.

REP. JORDAN: You bet. Thanks, guys.

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