The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and current events with intelligence and humor.Full Bio


Rep. Jordan: How a GOP House Will Hold Biden Accountable

BUCK: Our friend, Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, is with us now. Congressman, good to have you.

REP. JORDAN: Good to be with you, Buck and Clay.

BUCK: I want your version. I asked Clay this at the top of the show. I’m just so curious. The first question… There’s so many questions.


BUCK: The first one, though, is: Why now?


BUCK: Because it’s the New York Times, the Washington Post. It’s coming out. Why is it coming out at this point about Hunter?

REP. JORDAN: Yeah. You’re right, that’s the key question, “Why now?” I mean, we knew a year and a half ago that the laptop was real. The eyewitness, Tony Bobulinski, was a real person; the emails were real. The only thing fake was the news. So, yeah, why now? I think there’s a couple possible theories. One is they just want to get some bad news out there, the left does, because they’re looking at the tax issue and there’s gonna be some tax liability to have to pay. It could be…

You know, some people are speculating that, “Oh, this is the first step in dumping Joe Biden,” and, you know, he’s done everything wrong in 14 months to payoffs in every area — public policy area — you can imagine. But it also could be that somehow now the press knows that Hunter Biden may in fact gonna be indicted. And if that’s the case, they got I gotta go, “Oh, shazam!

“We can’t say ‘Russian disinformation’ if they’re actually gonna indict someone. We better get out with some stories with some facts in them.” So I don’t know. It’s all speculation. But I do find it interesting that suddenly now they’ve all found the Lord, and they’re all telling us what you and I and Clay — what we all — knew a year and a half ago.

CLAY: Yeah, Jim, and I think that’s so key — and I woke up this morning and saw you guys on the House Judiciary Subcommittee pointing out what is I think a monster issue here which is, look, Facebook and Twitter colluded to keep this story from being shared in October of 2020.

REP. JORDAN: Mmm-hmm.

CLAY: And, by the way, we’re gonna talk with Miranda Devine at 1:30 Eastern, for those of you out there listening to us right now, who wrote much of that story and wrote the book Laptop from Hell.

REP. JORDAN: Yep. Sure did.

CLAY: She did a fantastic job on this story. So, Jim, this is major, consequential news. Because they spent five years lying about Russia collusion and the rig job, and you’ve been arguing that well for years now.

REP. JORDAN: Mmm-hmm.

CLAY: This was actual collusion. This was an actual impact on our election. We know from looking at data that many undecided voters never heard about this story, that it could have a impacted the way that they chose to vote. What do you expect to uncover, and why is it important to be investigating these Big Tech companies in this story?

REP. JORDAN: Because as you point out, this happened just days before the most important election we have in our country, which is the election of the president of the United States, the commander-in-chief of our country. And we now know Big Tech colluded with Big Government, also with Big Democrat. And don’t forget, 51 former intelligent agencies — agents or personnel — were also involved in this conspiracy.

So what we sent to Twitter and Facebook was, “Hey, we want the information. We want the communications you had. Who were you talking to? Where did you get this information? Why’d you decide to limit this story and not let the American people get important information that’s critical to making a decision on Biden, who’s gonna be commander-in-chief, for goodness’ sakes?”

So, yeah. That’s what we sent out just today to these two Big Tech companies. But this was… I found this so amazing that they’re now coming forward, when we all knew that what they were telling us, “Russian disinformation,” was baloney. We knew that disinformation was the collusion — the conspiracy — they all were a part of.

BUCK: Speaking to Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio. Congressman, we’re hopeful that not only will Republicans take back the House, but that it will be a shellacking, a repudiation — a “reckoning” is a term that we like to throw around here.

REP. JORDAN: Mmm-hmm.

BUCK: But irrespective of how big the majority is — assuming there is a majority — and seeing that the reality of the last election was that Big Tech colluded with the Democrat Party to throw a presidential election through lies and suppression of information to a Democrat president, Democrat presidential candidate.

What do you think…? What can Congress actually do? You know, we started to hear toward end of the Trump administration about, you know, how we’re gonna change, what is it, Section 230 or we got…


BUCK: What actually can be done? What should be done so that Big Tech isn’t able to short-circuit the democratic information flow?

REP. JORDAN: Yeah, we’re definitely gonna have legislation that is a complete overall of 230 to take away their liability protection. But you gotta remember Joe Biden is not gonna sign it but we should pass that anyway to send that message, and then we should also work on legislation — we’re gonna do this in Judiciary Committee, legislation — that would move antitrust actions.

Remember the Trump administration had an antitrust action both from FEC and DOJ against Google and Facebook. So we want those kind of cases to get to the Supreme Court in an expedited fashion so we’re gonna look at legislation to do that again. I don’t know that Joe Biden would be supportive of that. Probably wouldn’t.

But you pass legislation, you help frame up the 2024 presidential race, and then the way American politics works you have a presidential election. And that’s gonna be part of the debate, part of the discussion, part of the policy areas talked about and we see who gets elected. I hope it’s President Trump.

I want him to run, and I think he’s going to, and I think he’s gonna win. But that’s how you frame it up be, and then you do the investigation. Again, we can’t hold anyone accountable. We can’t indict anyone, but you do the investigation.

Because folks I represent in the Fourth District of Ohio and Americans across this country deserve to know the truth about Hunter Biden, about the border situation, about the school boards being — you know, parents being targeted as domestic terrorists by the DOJ. You do those investigations, and you get the truth out there for the country.

CLAY: Jim, what do you think about the criticism of Clarence Thomas? I’m sure you’ve paid a lot of attention.


CLAY: We’re gonna talk about that a little bit later in the show. Ginni Thomas sends text messages to the White House officials and all of a sudden Clarence Thomas it’s being argued that he has to recuse himself, he shouldn’t be able to hear some cases. What’s your reaction to that?

REP. JORDAN: This is step one in packing the court. Remember, Democrats… Joe Biden had the commission. We got this important pro-life case in Mississippi that’s coming. They’re setting the stage to pack the court, and step one is to go after Justice Thomas by targeting his wife, who is simply engaging in her First Amendment free speech rights.

This is craziness! It is as wrong as it gets. But this is all part of the left’s concerted effort to pack the court. You watch. If we get a pro-life decision from that Mississippi case this summer from the court, you will see just a press, I think — from the left, from the Democrats — to implement this court packing. They’ve already introduced the bill! Jerry Nadler’s introduced the bill. So I think that’s what this is really about: Step one in their court-packing scheme, which is dangerous.

BUCK: Congressman Jordan, what do you think is a good goal for Republicans in terms of House seats to pick up going into the midterms? Clay and I have been talking about that. We kind of want to set the standard now so that everyone understands, it’s not enough to take back control.


BUCK: It has to be a red wave like we haven’t seen since at least 2010.

REP. JORDAN: Oh, I hope so. I hope so. My background’s in the sport of wrestling. I learned a long time ago you never want to be overconfident when you step on the mat. You want to be confident, and we need to campaign confidently. We need to take our message to the American people. We need to the issue how just…

I mean, the metaphor for the Joe Biden administration, 14 months, the real picture that should be in people’s mind is when those individuals in Afghanistan were trying to jump on the wheels of the plane as that plane’s taking off. That shows you the chaos that this administration has been, not just foreign policy.

But every domestic policy area — and of course not to mention the scandals that are now coming forward with the first family and of course the attacks on our First Amendment. We need to campaign positive and confidently. I think we’re gonna win. I sure hope it’s a red wave and it’s a huge number. But our focus is we just gotta get the majority so we can put a halt to some of the craziness from the left that we see.

CLAY: Jim, you may know this already because I know sometimes you get to listen to the show as you’re driving around in your district.

REP. JORDAN: Mmm-hmm.

CLAY: Buck and I have a steak dinner bet over whether Hunter Biden is going to be indicted.

REP. JORDAN: (chuckling)

CLAY: I said I think he’s going to be indicted. Buck said no. If you had to pick one side of that bet right now, would you be on my side or would you be on Buck’s side?

REP. JORDAN: Yeah. I would probably lean towards yours now in light of the fact that these stories have… You got the Washington Post. I mean, when the Post… Think of this line in the Post here. It says, “The Washington Post review confirmed informant key details and found additional documents showing the Biden family interactions with Chinese…”

They would never write anything like that. So when you get the Washington Post doing two articles, had two long articles yesterday on this situation, I guess I kind of lean that. But, again, it’s speculation. I never would have thought that until, frankly, these two articles from the Post yesterday. I guess I lean maybe a little bit in that direction. But we’ll just have to see.

CLAY: Here’s a little tidbit for you too, Jim. I never had anyone at Washington Post PR email me stories related to political breaking news before, in my history. I have a public email address.

REP. JORDAN: Yeah, yeah.

CLAY: Both of those got sent to me by somebody at the Washington Post the minute that they went up.

BUCK: Got sent to me too.

CLAY: You got ’em too, Buck?

BUCK: Yes.

REP. JORDAN: Yeah, 11 o’clock yesterday, 11 our four, two long stories. Here’s the Post: “Here’s how the Post analyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop. “Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company.” They go into some things here in (unintelligible) story I just thought was fascinating because some of the details I sort of forgot.

CLAY: Yeah.

REP. JORDAN: This whole office he was setting up and got four keys and had names, and referenced his uncle and referenced his father and yet they never picked up the keys, never opened… I mean, stuff that — information — we frankly didn’t know about. So that I think tells us something.

CLAY: Amen. Thank you for taking the time. We’ll look forward to talking to you again soon, Congressman.

REP. JORDAN: You bet.

CLAY: Jim Jordan.

REP. JORDAN: Thanks.

CLAY: Jim Jordan hanging out with us here.

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