The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and current events with intelligence and humor.Full Bio


Democrats Try to Strip Dr. Scott Jensen’s Medical License

CLAY: We bring in Dr. Scott Jensen from up in Minnesota, and tell us what exactly is happening to you, Dr. Jensen, as a result, you think of some of the political positions that you’ve adopted, including running as a Republican for governor of Minnesota.

DR. JENSEN: Well, thank you for having me on your show. I’ve been investigated now six times. The first four were readily dismissed, and it appears — from conversations with the Board of Medical Practice in Minnesota, as well as the nature of the complaints — that these are not complaints that have anything to do with anybody ever receiving a health care service from me. I’ve never been investigated in my career. But suddenly, six times — and this last time, they resurrected the fifth investigation and added on a six. I think —

CLAY: Let me cut you off there. These investigations would be precipitated by what? What does it require in Minnesota for a doctor to be investigated?

DR. JENSEN: These would be all over the map. This would be a scatter grab. This is I said that I don’t think masks prevent you with 100% guarantee from getting the disease or transmitting. I said that cotton mask don’t do a whole lot. I’ve said that kids can’t effectively wear masks. I’ve said that we should allow treatment standards to proceed as they normally do, allowing us to use off-label prescriptions as I’ve done for 40 years. I’ve said things like the vaccines aren’t as effective as we thought they were. The VAERS data program has more problematic issues with this vaccine than all the other vaccines combined for the last 30 years. All of these were the things that were, if you will, complaints lodged against me, including the way I listed my position at the University of Minnesota as a clinical associate —

CLAY: So you’re being investigated for sharing your opinion that masks are not that effective at preventing the spread of covid and don’t work very well for kids? I mean, sorry to interrupt you here, but shouldn’t that be the essence of what doctors debate? Isn’t that the scientific method at its best? I mean, there still has yet to be any study whatsoever worth its salt that suggests that masks in kids — for instance, in schooling — did anything other than distort the learning process. This is crazy. So so this targeting, what does it look like and what are you required to do as a result of this targeting?

DR. JENSEN: It looks like and feels like a witch hunt. It looks like the Board of Medical Practice is being weaponized by people who don’t like my politics. This has nothing to do with my professional behavior, the way I care for patients. This has to do with the fact that I’m supposed to have free speech, and political speech matters. How can you be a senator and run for governor and not be able to give your opinion on these kind of things? And I have been very data driven. I’ve submitted articles with all of my complaints. So this feels to me, really ugly.

CLAY: Is this has to be happening to doctors, and — as a prelude to bringing you on — I talked about what we are seeing and hearing from doctors all over this country that suddenly the anti-science wing of the Democrat Party has decided there’s only one permissible opinion on a variety of different issues out there. And I’m sure that as you’re fighting these battles in Minnesota, you’re hearing from doctors not only in your own state, but all over the country who are having the same issues.

DR. JENSEN: We’re hearing exactly that. Physicians are frightened to speak up, but more and more of them are reaching out to me quietly and letting me know, “Hey, you know, we’re with you,” and then we’re getting donations, contributions. Tremendous amount of support. But frankly, we’re seeing medical schools participate in a wokeness and the Hippocratic Oath has been pushed to the wayside. And we’re seeing other kinds of homemade oaths that tell people, “This class of early doctors will be doing this and this and this.” It’s jus unbelievable what’s happened to our medical schools or collegiate programs — doctors who’ve been in the program for ten, 20, 30, 40 years. People are frightened to speak up because they don’t want to lose their license.

CLAY: So when did this start? Like, you’ve been a doctor for a long time now. I think this is jarring for many people out there. We talked about on this program, for instance, last May, Stanford — which is an elite academic institution — all of the kids that were graduating from Stanford Medical School wore masks at their graduation ceremony. That is not supported by any kind of scientific need. What…? When did this all start? This idea that everyone had to have the same opinion in the medical profession and that not only did those opinions have to be consistent, they’re going to be zealously searching for outlier opinions and trying to silence doctors who are not speaking the exact same truth as everyone else?

DR. JENSEN: Well, I can’t speak for everywhere, but I think it started in Minnesota in April. That was when I raised the question of, “Really? You’re going to lock down these businesses and say they’re nonessential or they’re not safe, and these other ones get to stay open? Really? You’re going to lock nursing home patients in a facility where they’re basically being consigned to an ugly death? You’re locking kids out of school?” I was the one who in April of 2020, I said, “Listen, if you’re going to coach me to use covid-19 as a cause of death when it’s nothing more than a contributing factor — or perhaps nothing even at that level — you’re going to corrupt the value of the data that we normally tabulate throughout the years.” And that’s exactly what happened, and it was two months after I did that, that I was being investigated. So I think it goes back to them. But I think medicine is showing an unbelievable appetite — and when I say medicine, I mean our profession, an unbelievable appetite — to be woke and to say, listen, you either go along with the standard line or, you know, you’re not going to practice medicine. And this is just wrong in so many ways.

CLAY: We’ve got doctors all over the country listening to you, and I know they’re nodding along. And certainly we have a lot of people who are not doctors who would include me nodding along with you as well. How do we win? How do we fight back here and stop the medical profession from embracing all these tenets of wokeness and insisting on uniformity of opinion on so many contentious issues which do not lend themselves to uniformity of opinion. Because, as you well know, many of the things that our public health authorities told us were unacceptable to say or do were later proven to have been right while they were proven to have been wrong.

DR. JENSEN: I think we have to be courageous. We have to realize that this is about more than a single physician’s career. This is about the heart and soul of our nation. This is about free speech and the First Amendment. This is about the 14th Amendment and due process. We can’t let up. We have to continue to fight back and be courageous. It’s not easy. It feels ugly. It feels frightening. But, you know, the definition of courage is not being brave when you’re not afraid. Courage is when you’re brave and you are afraid.

CLAY: That’s well said, and this to me became a big issue, coctors in particular — and I’m sure you remember this, Dr. Jensen — in around June of 2020. he American Association of Pediatricians came out and said, “Schools have to be open. Kids are going to fail more from being out of school than they are in school,” and then when Trump came out and said, “Hey, you know what? Yes, schools need to be open,” the pediatric group basically reversed their opinion. The reason why I bring this up is, is there an organization — and if there is not, someone needs to start one — nationwide to defend doctors and the scientific method and your ability to retain your medical license, even if you sometimes are sharing information that is not the majority opinion? Are you aware of an organization like that? Because it seems like there needs to be one nationwide fighting for doctors who are willing to speak their minds.

DR. JENSEN: There is such an organization, and I believe its acronym is AAPS. It’s an association of physicians and surgeons who’ve been strong and courageous, and they have been speaking up. Again, it’s AAPS, and I also think that if people want to know really what some of the best science was, it was the Great Barrington Declaration written by Bhattacharya and Killdorff and Gupta.

CLAY: Yes.

DR. JENSEN: And that really set it right and those people have been proven right.

CLAY: Dr. Jensen, how can people…? I love that that organization exist?AAPS. We’re going to make sure we get that right.We’ll share it for you on the Clay and Buck website for other physicians out there that may not be familiar with it. What can people do to help you in the meantime? Because I wanted to make sure you could share your story with our audience and also speak to many other doctors out there that might be facing similar issues in their own communities.

DR. JENSEN: I wrote a book and released it about seven months ago called We’ve Been Played, and it goes at “the Triad of Tyranny” of Big Tech and Big Pharma and Big Government, and I believe that tyranny, that triad is absolutely responsible for intruding into our lives like never before, and people can purchase a book. I think people need to understand what’s happening to us and if they purchase a book, I think they’ll get a lot more My perspective. Peter McCullough wrote the introduction to it, and again, I really appreciate your having me on your program because this is what America is all about.

CLAY: Thank you so much, Dr. Jensen. Keep fighting the good fight and we will certainly be putting up some of those links that you shared with us on

DR. JENSEN: Thank you.

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